

Federal grants are available to students that meet the minimum eligibility requirements for federal student aid and demonstrate financial need. 接受联邦资助的学生必须满足 令人满意的学业进展 每学期.


Federal Pell 奖助金 are awarded to undergraduate students that demonstrate financial need and who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. 有资格获得佩尔助学金的学生可以获得整个学年(秋季/春季)的奖学金。. 佩尔助学金不能在同一学期颁发给一个以上院校的学生.


获得佩尔助学金的学生是全日制学生. EFC为0的学生将获得最高的佩尔奖学金.


所有有资格获得佩尔助学金的学生都是全日制学生, 然而, 佩尔助学金的发放是根据实际入学情况按比例分配的. A student’s enrollment at census (12th class day for Fall/Spring 16-week semesters) will be the final enrollment status used for Pell Grant disbursement.

9 - 11学时75%
6 - 8学时50%
3 - 5学时25%

佩尔助学金的支付需要至少注册3个学分. EFCs较高的学生如果注册时间少于6个学分,则可能无法获得按比例支付的费用.


7月1日生效, 2012, 学生在其学术生涯中可以获得不超过12个学期的全日制佩尔助学金. Students that met or are near their lifetime eligibility will receive a notification from the Department of Education and possibly our office. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 我的佩尔助学金终身使用资格是如何计算的?


联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG)只提供给最需要经济援助的本科生, 由FAFSA决定, 追求他们的1st 学士学位. 资金非常有限,每年由教育部提供. 任何在秋季和/或春季颁发但未颁发的基金将转到夏季颁发. 优先截止日期为下一学年的1月15日.

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is different from other federal student grants because it requires admittance into an eligible major and an agreement to serve or work at an eligible educational institution. 未能在毕业后遵守协议条款的学生,将这笔赠款转换为必须偿还的无补贴贷款. TEACH助学金适用于本科生和研究生.


支付取决于学生的入学情况,类似于联邦佩尔助学金. 所有符合TEACH资格的学生都可以获得全日制入学资格, 然而, TEACH的支付是根据实际入学情况按比例分配的. A student’s enrollment at census (12th class day for Fall/Spring 16-week semesters) will be the final enrollment status used for TEACH disbursement.

9 - 11学时75%支付
6 - 10学时50%支付
3 - 5学时25%支付


Below is a list of majors that are eligible for the TEACH grant provided that students meet the basic eligibility requirements for federal student aid programs.

数学数学/ESL四年级至八年级数学4 -8年级
数学/科学4 -8年级科学四年级到八年级物理

欲了解更多有关TEACH赠款的信息,请访问 studentaid.政府.




获得初始奖励, 学生必须通过以下途径之一在符合条件的机构注册学士学位课程:

Graduation from an accredited public or private high school in Texas (homeschool graduates are not eligible) and enroll at an approved institution 之前 to the end of the 16th month after high school graduation. 学生不得尝试超过30个学期学分(不包括双录取或考试学分)。.

Enrollment in an eligible institution 之前 to the end of the 12th month after the calendar month in which 学生 earned an associate degree from a public or private nonprofit Texas institution of higher education.

完成至少24个学分,至少2个学分.5平均绩点 after receiving a Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG) in Fall 2014 or later and transferring to an eligible institution with a minimum 2.5平均绩点.

退伍后十二个月内在符合条件的高等学校就读. 入伍必须在5月1日从公立或私立高中毕业后的12个月内完成, 2013年或以后. 学生不得尝试超过30个学期学分(不包括双录取或考试学分)。.



获得最初的德州助学金年度(IY)奖, 学生必须符合以下要求:获得德州助学金年度(RY)奖的续期, 学生必须符合以下要求:
Be an entering undergraduate student enrolled in a baccalaureate program at a public 四年 or HRI institution who can be categorized in 一个 of the following four pathways:就读于公立两年制大学的本科生,并曾获得TEXAS Grant IY奖 之前 2014年秋季就读于公立两年制院校; OR
研究生d from an accredited public or private high school* in Texas having completed at least the Foundation program and enrolled at an approved institution within 16 months from high school graduation having not accumulated more than 30 semester credit hours (SCHs) (excluding credits for dual enrollment or by examination); ORBe an undergraduate student at a public 四年 or HRI institution who previously received a TEXAS Grant IY award 之前 to fall 2014 at a public 2-year, 四年, or HRI institution; OR
获得德克萨斯州公立或私立非营利性高等教育机构的副学士学位, and enrolled in an eligible institution within 12 months after obtaining an associate degree; OR

5月1日毕业于德克萨斯州认可的公立或私立高中, 2013年或以后, having completed at least the Foundation program and enlisted in military service within 12 months of high school graduation and enrolled in an eligible institution within 12 months of receiving an honorable discharge; OR
Be an undergraduate student enrolled in a baccalaureate program at a public 四年 or HRI institution who received a TEXAS Grant IY award fall 2014 or later; AND
在2014年秋季或之后获得IY德克萨斯州教育机会补助金(TEOG),并转移到符合条件的机构,至少2分.5平均绩点, and having completed at least 24 SCH’s; AND至少注册3 / 4次
Not have been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance or under the law of any jurisdiction involving a controlled substance as defined by Chapter 481, 健康和安全法典(德克萨斯州受控物质法)
至少注册3 / 4次
Not have been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance or under the law of any jurisdiction involving a controlled substance as defined by Chapter 481, 健康和安全法典(德克萨斯州受控物质法)


A student is not eligible to receive a TEXAS Grant award if convicted of a felony or an offense under the law in any jurisdiction involving a controlled substance as defined in Chapter 481, 健康和安全法典(德克萨斯州受控物质法). 有关个别学生的情况,院校应谘询其内部法律顾问.

符合这一要求, institutions are required to collect a statement (electronic or paper) from each TEXAS grant recipient certifying that they have no such conviction. 各机构可灵活决定声明的措辞和收集声明的频率. This statement must be retained with 学生’s records at the institution and be made available 如果请求 in the course of a program review or audit.

一个有管制药物定罪或犯罪的人可以考虑获得奖励,如果他们有 一个 下列的:


完成法院命令的试用期, 并且自收到或完成之日起至少已经过了两年.



除非给予困难, 如果学生达到以下任何一个最高限额,学生的资格将终止:

通路如果参加了四年或更短的学位计划就读四年以上学位课程者小时* *未遂接受拨款时的工作时间
初始收件人 副学士*3年 从第一学期起颁发4年 从第一学期起颁发150原理图不允许困难
通过*的初始收件人:高中毕业生teog转学军事延期5年 从第一学期起颁发6年 从第一学期起颁发150原理图150瑞士法郎,不允许困难


**尝试学时是指学生在官方普查日期登记的每学期的每门课程. 这包括但不限于重复课程, 学生放弃或退出的课程. 转学生, the transfer hours and hours for optional internship and cooperative education courses are included if they are accepted by the receiving institution towards 学生’s current program of study (See TAC, 22节.230).


财政援助办公室 & 在学生失去资格的情况下,奖学金遵循德克萨斯州助学金资格的困难规定. 根据一般要求,没有资格获得德克萨斯助学金的学生可能被认为符合困难规定. 对资格要求给予困难待遇是有限制的. 每个机构必须采用一项艰苦条件政策,并将该政策提供给公众审查. 所有困难决定必须记录在学生的记录中,并可提交给欧洲中央银行, 如果请求.

注册时间少于6小时的学生不能获得德州助学金. 但是,如果遇到困难或出于其他正当理由,a&M-Commerce may allow an otherwise eligible person to receive a TEXAS Grant while enrolled for an equivalent of six to nine semester credit hours or if 学生’s grade point average or completion rate or number of completed hours falls below the satisfactory academic progress requirements of §22.本标题第229条(关于令人满意的学业进展).


  • 表现出严重的疾病或其他可能影响学生学习成绩的衰弱状况.
  • 表示该学生有责任照顾病人, 受伤的, 或有需要人士,而学生所提供的照顾可能会影响他或她的学习成绩.
  • 如果学生完成学位计划的学分少于9个学分.
  • In instances where 学生 and/or 学生’s family have suffered a hardship that would now make 学生 rank as 一个 of the institutions neediest.
  • 自高中毕业后超过16个月才获得第一次奖励的.

The student will need to provide a written request and supporting documentation of the circumstances which resulted in the loss of eligibility. 如果失去资格的学生需要额外的学分来完成学位, 学生, 咨询他们的学术顾问, 会否填写及递交超时工作时间表格. 重要提示: 入学时间少于6个学期学分的学生不能被认为是困难学生,也没有资格获得德克萨斯助学金. 如果你的学习成绩超过150个学期学分,你可能会被授予困难学分, 总小时数 支付 获得德州助学金的学生不得超过150或90个学分.


The 德州公共教育补助金(TPEG) is available to undergraduate/graduate and resident/non-resident students who have financial needs as indicated by information provided on the FAFSA or TASFA. 学生必须注册至少六个学分才有资格. 优先截止日期为每个奖励年度的1月15日. 资金有限.


12 = 100%

9 = 75%

6 = 50%

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